Welcome to our latest newsletter!
January 2023
One Up Adventures
As times are changing, we are now changing with them!
We are constantly striving to find the best way to keep in touch and update you on what events are upcoming as well as training schedules and more! Please do leave a note for us and let us know what you think of this new format!

Where We Left Off
Back in our last newsletter in November (can you believe it!?) we announced our Costa Rica trip for this upcoming March and it filled in less than 48 hours! March 7-11 the team is headed down to Costa Rica with 4 awesome guys who will be Paramotoring, Paragliding. ATV Touring, Boat Touring and much more! We are really quite excited about it all!
Upcoming Events
Let's jump ahead to some really exciting stuff. Upcoming classes and travel dates!
February 18-26 - Beginner Foot Launch Class - Wauchula Municipal Airport
March 7-11 - Costa Rica Travel Trip
April 28-May 2 - Sun n Fun
April 27-May 7 - Beginner Wheel Launch Class -
Lake Wales Municipal Airport (1 spot available)
May 18-21 - Bad Apples Fly-In -
Americus, GA - Hodges Field
June 7-11 - Trike Transition / Tandem Training -
Lake Wales Municipal Airport (1 spot available)
June 12-19 - Beginner Foot Launch Class
Lake Wales Municipal Airport (2 spots available)

We have recently updated our sister business ParamotorProps.com website and couldn't be more excited to have it easy to find things and we are constantly looking for ways to make it easier!
We are now importing and selling Helix and E-Props.
Helix is a fantastic way to go for a heavy duty trike and a big motor as they are reinforced and can handle a massive amount of force when flying!
If you are a foot launcher it really comes down to preference as both Helix and E-Props have different qualities that are fit for light weight performance!
Be sure to check out the new website and tell us what you think!

Fly Products USA is excited to announce the
Rider X Series Foot Launch Paramotor!
If you haven't yet seen the video on that be sure to check it out HERE.
-Taller Main Frame
(Can accommodate 125, 130 and 140cm Prop without changing the main frame!)
-Stronger and reinforced main frame
-Stronger, Thicker and more Durable Carbon Fiber Spars
-More Versatile and still as travel friendly as before!
Alongside the Rider X, Fly Products has finally made available the long awaited Eco 2 Light Trike with the RMZ 500.
This trike is an absolute powerhouse!
Fly Products did a change from the gearbox to a belt drive reduction on the RMZ 500 and we have had one here in our school in "testing" for almost 3 months and we have put it to the test! We really couldn't be happier than we are with it. It is a 50HP motor that should be more than you could ever imagine needing, power wise. Our website should have all updated information on this unit!
(Be sure to check out the videos about it too!)
On the topic of new gear, we should probably announce that BGD - Bruce Goldsmith Designs has been working on a product for those trikes who really need something smaller but also intermediate/advanced. Well, BGD did NOT disappoint! They have just released their 34m version of the Cyclone which is a wonderful wing for , Solo Trike with a Heavy Motor, Tandem Trike with light weight pilot/passenger/gear, Solo Flying with gear! Whatever your mission, BGD has covered all of the bases with their weight ranges for the Cyclone wing.

Fly Products USA is excited to announce the
Rider X Series Foot Launch Paramotor!
If you haven't yet seen the video on that be sure to check it out HERE.
-Taller Main Frame
(Can accommodate 125, 130 and 140cm Prop without changing the main frame!)
-Stronger and reinforced main frame
-Stronger, Thicker and more Durable Carbon Fiber Spars
-More Versatile and still as travel friendly as before!
Alongside the Rider X, Fly Products has finally made available the long awaited Eco 2 Light Trike with the RMZ 500.
This trike is an absolute powerhouse!
Fly Products did a change from the gearbox to a belt drive reduction on the RMZ 500 and we have had one here in our school in "testing" for almost 3 months and we have put it to the test! We really couldn't be happier than we are with it. It is a 50HP motor that should be more than you could ever imagine needing, power wise. Our website should have all updated information on this unit!
(Be sure to check out the videos about it too!)
On the topic of new gear, we should probably announce that BGD - Bruce Goldsmith Designs has been working on a product for those trikes who really need something smaller but also intermediate/advanced. Well, BGD did NOT disappoint! They have just released their 34m version of the Cyclone which is a wonderful wing for , Solo Trike with a Heavy Motor, Tandem Trike with light weight pilot/passenger/gear, Solo Flying with gear! Whatever your mission, BGD has covered all of the bases with their weight ranges for the Cyclone wing.